Currently from At&T
Case Study  

The iPhone 12 was one of the biggest moments in tech and retail in 2020. And with holiday season right around the corner of the new phone launch, there needed to be something big to help bring it to life for AT&T customers and beyond.  

In support of the new iPhone 12 and other holiday offers, Currently, from AT&T, sought to inform and educate users on AT&T products and services. 

Currently Digital Publishing (CDP) created a dynamic, multi-week editorially focused website solution that captured the attention of a broad audience to help discover more about AT&T's products and services, all with a holiday theme.  

With over 32 original articles that included gifts guides, tips, tricks, and holiday ideas, this site stood out in a crowded season with unique content that drove clicks, sales, and awareness. 

Holiday Ready
Holiday Ready - Solutions
HolidayReady Results 402x
Holiday Ready - Visitors