Keeping up with technology, especially around the holidays, can be exhausting. New phones, new games, new TV, and services all change so quickly, it’s hard to choose the best options, especially when it comes to gifting.
One thing you might have heard about is 5G. Companies like Apple, with the new iPhone 12, and AT&T, with its acclaimed nationwide 5G coverage, have been in the news quite a bit. But what exactly is 5G? And why is it on everyone’s holiday list?

Simply put, the 5G network is the latest and most robust mobile internet connectivity service yet, with faster speeds and stronger connections than ever before.
For starters, no matter where you are, 5G users will spend less time waiting for their favorite webpages and videos to load. For example, the 5G network can download a two-hour video in about 10 seconds, as opposed to roughly seven minutes using the old 4G network. This means the only thing you’ll be waiting for in a waiting room is your appointment.
Regarding security, the upsides are many. 5G creates stronger infrastructure and defense applications with quicker response times. Because the 5G network can be up to 100 times faster than its predecessor, safety is prioritized in ways we’ve only imagined until now.
As 5G expands throughout the world, automated cars and other AI services will also become more prevalent and operate with increased efficiencies. The world of the future is right around the corner
Many mobile service providers offer 5G, but few have as robust of a network as AT&T*. With the nation’s widest coverage and fastest 5G network, AT&T is a no-brainer. Plus, AT&T 5G Unlimited plans offer the bonus of spam and fraud call blocking service at no extra charge. Imagine not getting as many robocalls. That’s a gift all by itself.
That’s 5G simplified. What better present to give this holiday than a device with all these features. Check one more item off your list.
Take advantage of these exclusive offers now and see for yourself what all the 5G hype is about. While 5G will roll out in many more areas over the coming months, with a 5G capable device, most people in major cities can already expect to have access. Check to see what your area offers.
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The information included within this article is AT&T sponsored content written by Currently Media editorial contributor Robbie Imes. The statements in this article are his own and don’t reflect the positions, strategies, or opinions of AT&T.

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