The holidays are upon us once again. It’s a time of excitement and joy, and also a time to show extra appreciation for family and friends. Food, gifts, and traditions are aplenty. And while so much of our focus and attention are on loved ones, it’s crucial not to lose track of the most important person to take care of on our list: ourselves.
Overlooking your own needs can be easy during the hustle and bustle of the season. With all the extra hum and buzz, you might just find yourself worn down. Lack of sleep, lack of exercise, or any number of things can cause your energy levels to plummet. The remedy? Self-care.
Self-care might be a buzz word tossed around during these uncertain times, but it’s actually a little easier than you might think. We’ve got five simple but essential tips to follow for your mental and physical well-being this holiday season, and you might just find you are better than you’ve ever been before.

A tried and true, doctor recommended self-care tip is keeping a sleep schedule that fits your lifestyle. The human brain responds best when it is rested. If not, holiday stress and anxiety can swell at inopportune times. A well-rested person is a happy person.
Fresh air can awaken the senses, and the exercise you get from even a 10-minute walk can do wonders for your heart and mind. Get outdoors, reconnect with nature, bask in the sunlight and take in the scenery. Your health will thank you.
You’ve probably heard this health recommendation before. Sugary, high-fat holiday foods are not doing your body any favors and will certainly wreak havoc on your digestive system. Do right by yourself and go for leafy greens, berries and lean meats during this season. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your energy bounces back. A cookie every now and then won’t hurt, though.
During the hectic holidays, it’s sometimes hard to get a moment alone. While spending time with those you love is important, take time to be with yourself as well. Whether you go on a solo shopping trip, pick up a coffee or just go for a nice afternoon drive, some personal time will recharge you to be the best version of yourself yet.
It seems like an obvious one, but sometimes it can be difficult to remember what the holidays are actually about. Aside from the gifting (which is always optional), the holidays are meant to be celebrated with those you love. Whatever the traditions you may have, keep gratitude at top of mind this time of year. Remember to relax and cherish the moments that mean the most. Joy will swiftly follow.
The information included within this article is AT&T sponsored content written by Currently Media editorial contributor Robbie Imes. The statements in this article are his own and don’t reflect the positions, strategies, or opinions of AT&T.

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