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¡Presentamos con orgullo a los ganadores de las Becas para Estudiantes HACEMOS 2023!




¡Presentamos con orgullo a los ganadores de las Becas para Estudiantes HACEMOS 2023!

Cada año, nuestra misión es brindar becas a estudiantes latinos. Desde el inicio del programa, hemos otorgado más de $4 millones en becas¡Estamos orgullosos de destacar a varios de nuestros ganadores de las Becas para Estudiantes HACEMOS de 2023!

FPO. Each year it is our mission to provide scholarships to Latino students with over $4 Million given since the program's inception.

We proudly present the 2023 winners of the Hispanic Student Scholarships!

1 Mega C Basurto desktop

Mega C. Basurto


University of Texas
at Austin

Class of 2025

2 Maxton Bender

Maxton Bender

Political Science

Saint Louis

Class of 2025

3 Juliana Benitez

Juliana Benitez

Speech Pathology

University of Texas
at Austin

Class of 2027

4 Alexa Bottello

Alexa Bottello


Southern Methodist

Class of 2027

5 Alexander Pineda Bramontes

Alexander Pineda Bramontes

Computer Science

Georgia Institute
of Technology

Class of 2026

6 Brian Buchanan

Brian Buchanan


Texas A&M University
at Kingsville

Class of 2027

7 Lenyd Ramos Caro

Lenyd Ramos Caro

Exercise Science

University of Southern

Class of 2025

8 Brandon Cruz

Brandon Cruz

Civil Engineering

University of Texas
at Austin

Class of 2027

9 Angela De Labra

Angela De Labra

Mechanical Engineering

Columbia University

Class of 2027

10 James Draper

James Draper


University of Texas
at Austin

Class of 2027

11 Maria Gamez

Maria Gamez

Computer Science

University of Texas
at Austin

Class of 2027

12 Angel Gomez

Angel Gomez

Computer Science

University of Texas
at Dallas

Class of 2026

13 Nancy Guel

Nancy Guel

Biomedical Engineering

University of Texas
at Arlington

Class of 2026

14 Joshua Hicks

Joshua Hicks

Computer Engineering

Missouri University
of Science and Technology

Class of 2025

15 Malachi Johnson

Malachi Johnson

Computer Science

Georgia Institute
of Technology

Class of 2027

16 Jacky Juarez

Jacky Juarez

Bilingual Education

of North Texas

Class of 2027

17 Anay Landeros

Anay Landeros

Computer Engineering

Southern Methodist

Class of 2027

18 Alejandra Lopez

Alejandra Lopez

Computer Science

Austin Community

Class of 2025

19 Miguel Mendez

Miguel Mendez


Emory University

Class of 2027

20 Jennifer Cruz Reyes

Jennifer Cruz Reyes

Mechanical Engineering

of North Texas

Class of 2025

21 Kelly Ribeiro

Kelly Ribeiro



Class of 2027

22 Emily Rodriguez

Emily Rodriguez

Business Administration

of Southern California

Class of 2024

23 Maria Rodriguez

Maria Rodriquez

Civil Engineering

Texas Tech

Class of 2027

24 Isabella Socci

Isabella Socci

Computer Science &
Mechanical Engineering

Northwestern University

Class of 2027

25 Marlene Tello

Marlene Tello

EC-6 Bilingual Education

of North Texas

Class of 2025

26 Dylan Maya Tudor

Dylan Maya-Tudor

Latin American Studies

Washington University
in St. Louis

Class of 2024

27 Justin Vargas

Justin Vargas

Mechanical Engineering


Class of 2027

28 Judith Vazquez

Judith Vazquez



Class of 2027

29 Melisa Velazquez

Melisa Velazquez


University of Texas
at Austin

Class of 2027

30 Maria Vergara

Maria Vergara

Fine Arts

Savannah College
of Art and Design

Class of 2026

31 Alondra Villegas

Alondra Villegas


Texas A&M

Class of 2024

32 Any Zelaya

Any Zelaya

Computer Science

University of Texas
at Arlington

Class of 2025

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